What is a Brand Photo Shoot?

Sunrise exterior of Soaring Hawk Meditation Center - architectural photography Sunrise exterior of Soaring Hawk Meditation Center

Big brands with big budgets know all about this.   The power of photography is strong. You can communicate feelings, ideas, and concepts in the blink of an eye. Whether you design and build, or have a product or service, potential customers will look to your site and social media to see what you're about.  Small businesses have lots on th...

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The Power of Great Product Photography

a new Powell Flutes of Boston instrument in case a new Powell Flutes of Boston instrument in case

Great product photography is good for sales and brand identity.It's best to have both simple catalog images on a white background as well as stylistic images.Powell Flutes launched a new highly reflective product, see the images.  Do you remember the Sears catalog? We tore it to shreds every year before Christmas. I think LL Bean was the only ...

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How Do You Organize Your Photo Library?

star progression Adding stars to show change progression

Somewhat surprisingly, clients often ask if I still have the images from a past photo session. I'm not sure if this idea is a holdover from the past when everything was physical (film, prints), but as a photographer, all my images are my assets, and I do everything possible to preserve and archive those assets.Sure, needs are different for professi...

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What is Photographer Expertise?


 A client called me last week in preparation for their upcoming photoshoot. They just had a few questions. This particular session was scheduled by another person in the company who would not be part of the session, and the person that called would be photographed. This is fantastic, and in most cases required. I have a lot of questions before...

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Professional Photography vs. Personal Photography

Looking up from the base of the Comcast building in Philadelphia Looking up from the base of the Comcast building in Philadelphia

This past weekend we drove to Philadelphia to see my son at college. In this crazy time of the pandemic, he was unable to go in the fall, but the university opened up for the winter/spring terms, and so he is there, albeit under a bunch of restrictions. It's a 5 hour drive from where we live, so we packed up the car and prepared to stay a few days ...

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